Sunday, October 19, 2008

Newspapers around the Nation Endorse Obama...

OBAMA: Can Inspire, Cool Under Pressure...

LA Times "Obama...represents the aspirations of the nation" (Click Here)

Boston Globe "...the nerves to shepherd Americans..." (Click Here)

Salt Lake Tribune "A Simple Choice: The nation needs Barak Obama in the White House" (Click Here)

Chicago Tribune "On Nov. 4 we're going to elect a president to lead us through a perilous time and restore in us a common sense of national purpose..." (Click Here)

Las Vegas Sun
"Barak Obama: Our Choice for President" (Click Here)

Idaho Statesman "America Needs Obama's steady hand" (Click Here)

Tuscaloosa News "Elect Obama on Nov 4 for a better United States" (Click Here)

Editorials NewsOnline "No Hype, Obama IS change America can believe in" (Click Here)

Orland Sentinel "The campaign has revealed the Illinois senator's strengths as a leader" (Click Here)

Herald Tribune "Obama has displayed presidential temperament under the intense fire of a tough campaign" (Click Here) "Obama Right Man for the Job" (Click Here)

Columbia Tribune "Obama For President, with fingers crossed" (Click Here)