Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Michelle Obama stole the show...

Michelle Obama speaking at the Democratic National Convention has captured national headlines. In Denver, Michelle Obama described America as a place of hope, a place where people find success during the course of “improbable journeys.” (click here for outline & here for more...) To see the entire video click here.

Obama's Transformation...

Once considered a "our" hopeful, Obama has become our nation's hope.

This recent article from the U.K. offers us a positive reflection of the national and global significance of this election. It points out Obama's transformation into a symbol for national hope and the promise of real transformation of the U.S. under promising leadership. (click here)

Friday, August 22, 2008

Ayers' Weather Underground & 1969 "Riots" Cannot be Linked to Obama

Obama: It “Doesn’t Make Sense”....
"...the notion that somehow as a consequence of me knowing somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago when I was eight years old, somehow reflects on me and my values, doesn’t make much sense,’ Obama has said.”
(Click Here)
For an interesting transcript of interview with Obama (Click Here).

Obama Hits a Homerun with Workers in Martinsville & Henry County

“I appreciate Sen. Obama’s honesty in saying he’s not going to say he can go out here and fix everything immediately,” said Valeria Edwards of Horsepasture, who was among 300 people invited to a town hall meeting with the candidate at Patrick Henry Community College’s motorsports facility. “But knowing that when he wakes up in the morning, he’s thinking about Martinsville ... that warms my heart.” (Click Here)
To get more info on Obama's Campaign Tour of the South (click here) and for news on Hillary Clinton's endorsement of Obama (click here).

Across 50 States We're Working for Change Labor Day Weekend

Across the country, volunteers and staffers will spend part of their Labor Day weekend preparing our grassroots organization for the final two months of the campaign. At house parties, picnics, organizational meetings, and local rallies, grassroots supporters of Senator Obama will register first-time voters and recruit volunteers by talking to people in their community about the Obama plan to change Washington. (click here to find out how to get involved)

“Our grassroots supporters and volunteers are the unsung heroes of this campaign. And this Labor Day weekend, they will come together for a massive working weekend to organize our efforts for the final two months,” Obama Campaign Manager David Plouffe said.

So... How Many Houses Do You Own?

Campaigning in Chester, Va., Obama said: "I guess if you think being rich means you've got to make $5 million and if you don't know how many houses you have, it's not surprising you might think the economy is fundamentally strong." McCain's inability to recall how many houses he owns has received a lot of negative press. (Click Here). Although this may not be an urgent policy issue, it does demonstrate the disconnect Right-Wing Leadership has from the reality of the day to day struggles of Americans. For more on Barak Obama's response (Click here)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Obama kicks off tour at site of campaign announcement...



Today, the Obama campaign announced that Senator Barack Obama will kick off his trip to the Democratic National Convention on Saturday, August 23, 2008 with an event at the Old State Capitol in Springfield, Illinois, where Obama officially announced his campaign for president on February 10, 2007. This event will be free and open to the public.

Campaign Event with Barack Obama
Old State Capitol
Springfield, IL
Please visit www.barackobama.com/springfield to RSVP for the event, and for updated public details as soon as they are available. The event is open to the press, but space is limited. To request credentials, please visit

Monday, August 18, 2008

Obama Addresses Pay Equity in Alberquerque Today

Today, Senator Obama will outline his plan (download) to provide economic security for America’s working women. Currently, women still make just 77 cents for every dollar men make – African American women just 62 cents, and Latinas just 53 cents. Barack Obama has been fighting for pay equity throughout his political career. In Illinois, Obama helped pass a law to give 330,000 more women protection from paycheck discrimination.

“Next Generation Veterans for Obama”

Obama Campaign Unveils “Next Generation Veterans for Obama”
Today, the Obama campaign formally launches its “Next Generation Veterans for Obama” organization, a group of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans who support Barack Obama for the presidency because he has the judgment, vision and character to lead this country in the 21st Century. These veterans will play a prominent role in Denver at the Democratic National Convention; lead Veterans for Obama efforts in the states; participate in grassroots fundraising efforts; and serve as surrogates before veterans and general audiences across America. Sign up here for Veterans for Obama Events near you.

Obama's comments on Pakistani Pres. Musharraf

"President Musharraf has made the right decision to step down as President of Pakistan...

I have long said that the central terrorist threat to the United States lies in northwest Pakistan and Afghanistan, and not Iraq...

“A year ago, I advocated that the US move from a 'Musharraf policy' to a 'Pakistan policy.'...

Friday, August 15, 2008

Obama as President = Middle Class Benefits

Claims of tax cuts are part and parcel of presidential campaigning...
What do the experts say however about Obama's economic policy and his plans for Middle America? This article provides some insight into how Obama's fiscal plans would roll out under his Presidency and their impact on us.

Obama Urges Truce in Georgian Conflict...

Senator Obama vacationing in Hawaii, condemns Russian attacks against Georgia...
Visiting his grandmother in Hawaii, Senator Obama took time off yesterday, to view the Dark Knight and taste island delights with his beautiful daughters and wife Michelle. Even while on vacation, Barak addresses pressing international issues, with his trademark poise and assured leadership.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Obama's Campaign sets the record straight

As Senator Obama's 2008 Presidential Campaign continues to gain momentum and popular support...
In an all-new upcoming "Official" report entitled, "Unfit for Publication" Obama's Campaign exposes the fallacies that those who are opposed to change are attempting to use to sway the minds of American voters. In the shadow of the successful model of intelligent leadership that mark Senator Obama's Campaign, his opponents can only resort to smear tactics, mud-slinging and partisan politics, with the hope of turning the tide. We can all now get the truth upfront about Barak Obama and as informed voters forever destroy the persuasion of "negative" campaigning.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Getting More Connected to Obama for America

To get more personally involved try these helpful links:

For direct responses to questions and concerns, send e-mail messages through the webform here: http://my.barackobama.com/page/content/contact/

Submit your policy ideas through the "My Policy" feature of the Obama website, here: www.BarackObama.com/issues

And for Answers try the Answer Center, an easy-to-search database of questions and answers that lets you find information on a wide range of subjects from volunteering to policy positions. Try it out here:

To reach the Campaign Headquarters
By phone, please call: (866) 675-2008
By mail write to: Obama for America P.O. Box 8102 Chicago, IL 60680


To Find Local Events & Convention Watching Parties Search here...
As the Democratic National Convention rapidly approaches, the Official Obama Website features a search engine for locating local events within 250 miles of your zipcode. Click here to find out what's happening near you.

To Plan Your very own Local Event follow these easy steps...

To Plan Your Own Fundraiser and even Invite the OBAMA's click here:

Monday, August 11, 2008

Who will Obama choose for VP?

Sign up to be among the first to know who Obama will choose...
Obama is about to make one of the most important decisions in his campaign, choosing his running mate. Gallup Polls from 1996 - 2004 tell us that support for Presidential candidates always increases 3-9% after they announce their Vice Presidential running mates. Would you like to get a text message or e-mail the moment he decides? No other campaign has ever done this.
Will it be: Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana; Kathleen Sebelius, governor of Kansas; Sam Nunn, ex-senator for Georgia; Tim Kaine, governor of Virginia; Hillary Clinton; Ted Strickland, governor of Ohio, Ed Rendell, governor of Pennsylvania, a swing state or Senator Robert Casey of Pennsylvania?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Campaign Heats Up Over Energy

Obama sharply denounces Bush/Cheney policies regarding energy and economy...
Obama's facing issues rather than "Ads" and "representation". The race for the Presidency has finally focused on the real issues facing our nation: Energy, Economy, Environment, Equity... Obama clearly has a new vision for the nation - it seems from recent polls - more in alignment with the real interests of a more informed populace. Are the days of catchy slogans, and assumptions of moral superiority in campaigning finally surpassed by an informed public's demand for redress of real issues?

The "Official" Obama Resource...

Register with Obama's official website...
For more information on how to donate to Obama's campaign, and to get more involved they send out e-mails announcements and invitations to local events, the "official" site is a wonderful "how to support" resource. However, stay tuned to BCO's Obama Watch for news updates and relevant coverage of the historic 2008 Presidential Campaign.

Will the real First Black U.S. President please rise...

Who was or will be the first Black U.S. President?
The above link offers a clear warning that thorough research should precede claims and guide all investigations - especially when researching on the internet! There is a raging dispute online about the first and other "Black U.S. Presidents" as celebrities like Dick Gregory (who claimed the John Hanson in the first photo was our "The First President of the U.S.") However, checking other sources - as well as Toni Morrison's comment about Bill Clinton - have made it clear that race is not only an urgent but multi-faceted issue, far more complex than many of us are prepared to examine beyond our own claims and biased tropes. Now seems the time that Americans really begin to address Race, especially it's historical complexity!

Obama Leads in National Poll but...

Although Obama has 6% margin in recent polls...
Reports of a national poll conducted from July 31-August 4, interviewing over a thousand adults, places Obama predictably in the lead particularly with support from Women, African Americans, and voters under 34. Obama is also even to his rival in points of support from white men. Polls don't win elections however, they may influence perceptions. Electoral Votes ultimatley decide Presidential elections.